Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Elvis is Alive!!

I just saw him standing on the corner by my place as I was driving home from work. As I made the turn from Beverly onto Gardner going north, there was Elvis Costello waiting by the valet parking stand outside the Buddha's Belly restaurant!

At first I couldn't believe it was him -- he looked too much like Elvis Costello (black leather jacket, brightly colored shirt, scruffy beard and glasses) and he was completely by himself. I thought perhaps he was waiting for the valet to bring his car, so I quickly made the block and circled around again to see if it was really him. Sure enough, it was Elvis Costello!

I couldn't believe it. I quickly searched the car for my cell phone to call my friend Heidster, who is one of the world's greatest Elvis Costello fans, but the phone was hidden in my briefcase in the back of the car and I couldn't reach it. I still couldn't get over the fact that Elvis Costello was standing on the street corner one block from my house, so I made the block again to have one final look, and there he was, Elvis Costello, still standing a few feet away from the valet parking stand. He was leaning against the wall, talking or singing to himself. The valets were crowded casually around their stand, so apparently Elvis was not waiting for his car but perhaps for someone to arrive (it was about 7:30pm). I stopped my car and rolled down the window.

"Hey Elvis, do you need a ride?" I asked.
"No, I'm fine, thank you sir," he replied casually in his English Elvis voice.
"You're awesome," I gushed.
"Thank you very much," he said politely before turning his attention back to the spot on the street where whomever he was waiting for was supposed to arrive.

I drove on and made my way up the street to my aparment, but I wish I could've stayed longer to chat with him, though I'd hate to be a nuisance to him. I see celebrities in LA all the time but I rarely have an interest in talking to them. Elvis C. is really cool, though. He's an artist I greatly respect and someone who seems like an interesting guy.


Bet said...

Elvis was waiting for me. He does that in every city, stands on the street corner waiting for me to arrive and take him off into a land of bliss. Alas, I've not yet arrived.

Flipsycab said...

Fantasy Version #1

ScottyDude: You're awesome.
Elvis: Thank you, Dude. So are you. You know, Bowie and I were just talking about your blog the other day. It's great, man. Good on ya, mate.
ScottyDude: Thank you very much.
Elvis: Listen, I'm waiting for my oily agent who is always late. Whaddya say I stand him up and we grab a pint?
ScottyDude: Sounds great! I know a great karaoke bar right around the corner!