Sunday, September 05, 2004

Bush vs. Kerry

I'm sad to say that G.W. is almost a shoe-in at this point for the next four years as president. I absolutely despise the guy and everything he stands for, particularly his insertion of conservative Christianity into a government that is supposed to have separation between church and state.

Dubya has his fans (mostly in the central and southern states) and they ardently adore him, but I'm not convinced that most Americans are that in love with him. It's just that there is no viable alternative. In my view, anyone but Bush is the guy to vote for, but John Kerry does not have the charisma, the leadership qualities, or (most importantly) the "likeability" factor that Americans crave in their Presidents.

As usual, the moderate majority, left with no compelling choices (and more concerned with paying the mortgage and raising their kids than with politics), will eschew the polls on election day and let the elite decide (as they typically do).

Bush seems like a buffoon to most of us, but he has an uncanny folksiness about him that middle America just eats up. Barring some catastrophic event or scandalous revelation that alters the playing field, George W. Bush will be the next President of the United States.

1 comment:

Flipsycab said...

I'm still hopefull that voters will turn out in droves and drive that sumabitch back to The Lone Star State where he'll be promptly given the boot and he'll end up floating around South American in exile wearing fatigues and screaming, "Nu-CUE-lar!"