Wednesday, July 21, 2004

"Stop the Insanity!"

I've been irritated for months about the whole stupid 'low-carb' diet phenomenon, which is just a bunch of crap.  It's just another marketing trend that has taken off incredibly, and to absurd proportions.  I've been joking for weeks that early next year doctors will reverse themselves (as they always do) and discover the nutritional value of a high-carbohydrate diet.  Then all the restaurants and food companies will advertise the 'high-carb' diet and all will be well with the world.  Whatever.

My friend Stennie turned me on to an hilarious rant on a blog called Tomato Nation.  It's a bit long, but worth the effort.

We Americans must be the laughing stock of the world; and if we're not, we should be!

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