Friday, June 04, 2004


I bought a new comb today. Yes, my life is very exciting. The reason I mention it is because the comb cost me $2.25. That's right, two dollars and twenty-five cents for what can only be described as a 10-cent piece of plastic. You would think for that kind of money the comb would tell me the time and temperature or something, but no, it's just your basic Ace brand pocket comb from the local drugstore.

I decided to make my two bucks worth the effort, so instead of choosing the basic black model, I went for the classic mock tortoise color. Gives a retro feeling to the combing experience, and I gotta tell you, having just used the comb for the first time, this is some quality craftsmanship in my hand. I wish I could take a picture for you; if only I hadn't dropped and broken the digital camera Randy gave me.

Aha! After reviewing the plastic pouch in which the comb was contained, I now know why this comb costs $2.25 instead the 10 cents it's worth. The label on the back of the packaging not only describes the product contained inside, it also identifies its purpose: "Pocket Comb. Removes foreign material from hair."

If only I'd bought this comb before I married my ex-wife!

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