Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"We Shall Overcome...."

Not surprisingly, the California Supreme Court today upheld Proposition 8, thereby stripping civil rights away from a whole class of people in this state. Oddly they upheld the 18,000 marriages already performed legally before voters approved the ban, so now marriage rights are unequal within the same community being discriminated against. I can't remember in my lifetime a court actually supporting the taking away of rights from citizens, but I am absolutely convinced that the right to marry will be reinstated for all Americans.

This will happen sooner rather than later; it's inevitable. If you look at the huge demographic shift underway in this country, there's an enormous generation of young people just coming of age, a majority of which are not bothered at all by the concept of same-sex marriage. It's not a threat, and eventually enough people will come around to support equality for all Americans regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

We have to remember that interracial marriage only became protected by the US Supreme Court in 1967. At that time it was a very controversial decision considering that 38 states still banned interracial marriage. I'm sure a lot of conservative types still disapprove of it. Today a handful of states have already approved gay marriage, either legislatively or through a court decision, and other states will soon follow. The District of Columbia now recognizes gay marriages performed in other states.

If the states do not pass appropriate legislation protecting the civil right to marry, the US Supreme Court will eventually overrule the bans against same-sex marriage under the equal protection clause of the Constitution. Either that, or they will force the government out of the marriage business altogether and everyone can get a civil union and leave "marriage" -- a precious word to some -- to the churches.

The United States has fallen behind the international community on this topic. Seven countries, including Canada and Spain, have already allowed same-sex marriage. Sixteen countries, including France, Germany and the United Kingdom, have instituted civil partnerships with rights and responsibilities equal to heterosexual marriage. Dozens of other countries, including the United States, are debating the issue and crafting legislation.

Simply put, there is no rational argument against gay marriage. There are plenty of bigots out there who don't recognize homosexuals as human, much like the plight of blacks in the past, but honesty and fairness shall prevail and WE SHALL OVERCOME.

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