Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Iran next target in Bush's War on Terror

Here we go again. It's been rumbling around in the blogosphere and in certain areas of the media lately that the Bush administration is gearing up for the next phase in the War on Terror. Target: Iran.

So far the rhetoric regarding Iran has focused on their dangerous nuclear ambitions, but now Iran is being blamed for supplying weapons to the Iraq insurgency. Bush admitted so today. It was reported yesterday that the radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has fled Iraq for Iran in anticipation of Bush's controversial troop "surge" -- it's a much nicer word than "escalation," isn't it?

By the way, if you haven't figured out yet that the U.S. news media is owned by a few major corporations that earn tremendous profits from the war and therefore can't be trusted to fully expose government corruption, pull your head out of the sand and get informed. When I want to know what's really going on in the world, I visit overseas news agencies such as The Guardian or BBC News, among others. Thank God for the Internet!

Here's a very interesting article published in The Guardian (a liberal British newspaper) which reports that the U.S. military is already building up forces in the Persian Gulf in anticipation of an air strike on Iran:

"The present military build-up in the Gulf would allow the US to mount an attack by the spring. But the sources said that if there was an attack, it was more likely next year, just before Mr Bush leaves office."

According to the article, both Cheney and the Neo-cons are urging Bush to start another offensive in the war, but the State Department and the Pentagon are against it. That's probably because we have no way to justify another attack or invasion, nor can we afford any further escalation. In fact, we can't afford the current wars. The Bush junta will end up bankrupting this country if left to their own devices. They publicly deny any intentions for attack, yet the military build-up progresses, just as it did before we invaded Iraq.

Didn't we just leave this party?

1 comment:

Duke said...

hi Scottydude,

I've seen you mentioned a lot on Stennie's pages and thought I'd pop over and read your blogs.

Interesting to see your view on the war. Is that a pretty common feeling on the west coast? I hope so.

Your comments on the state of reporting is very true. All our news sources are controlled by a handful of business who care about profits and little about the news. Of course it's not really the job of reporters to flush out corruption in our political system. We should have internal checks and balances through separatation of authority and Inspector Generals who do that. The republicans have been systematically dismantling that since Ronnie ray gun. A sad state when we have to look for reporters to find problems. They should be reporting on the efforts to fix things, not doing the fixing.

Take care and keep posting.