Saturday, January 13, 2007

Whoops: A Poopy!

File this post under "Too Much Information."

Have you ever had the experience where you feel like you're going to fart and then more than air comes out of your ass? Well that happened to me today.

I was working in Hollywood about to start a tour when I felt a little fart starting to sneak out of my bum. Well, turns out it was a juicy one with a little heft to it. I wasn't really sure what had happened and with my customers standing right in front of me waiting to begin the tour, there wasn't much I could do about it at the time.

Unfortunately it was several hours later before I could excuse myself to the men's room. I'll be damned if I hadn't soiled my underpants! It was just a little bit of poo, but enough to cake my underside and leave the crotch of my underwear crusty. I warned you this was TMI!!

I felt like such an idiot -- an infant! Guess I better start wearing Depends undergarments for adults. I know I'm getting older but this is ridiculous. At this rate, I'll be in a nursing home by the time I'm 40. Oy gevalt!

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