Monday, December 19, 2005

Enough Is Enough -- Impeach Bush

If the Democrats have any balls at all, they will impeach Bush at the first confirmation of illegal activity by him or his administration.

The Republicans impeached Clinton for having oral sex in his private office. While that may be illegal in some states, it's not quite the same as disregarding the Constitution one has sworn to uphold. If that isn't at least incompetence, I don't know what is.

I attended a discussion with Gore Vidal on the eve of the invasion of Iraq (almost three years ago) and he said that George W. Bush would leave office as the most unpopular president in U.S. history.

If that's true, do we really have to wait three more years, until January 2009, and let this guy do more harm to our country and to our way of life?

1 comment:

Bet said...

Well said, and I couldn't agree more.