Thursday, December 09, 2004

Worst Commute Ever

Anyone who lives in L.A. knows the traffic is a bitch sometimes, OK most of the time, but tonight was one of the worst commutes ever.

My commute home from UCLA in Westwood to my apartment near Hollywood is approximately 9 miles and usually takes me 20-30 minutes on surface streets. Tonight that 9 mile drive took (drumroll please) two and a half hours! Yes, TWO AND A HALF FUCKING HOURS!!! That's got to be a new record.

I knew it was going to be bad when I pulled out of the parking lot and saw the left turn lane on to Wilshire all backed up. That's OK because I have an alternative route up Sunset I can take so I tried that. Bad idea. Sunset was even more jammed than Wilshire. After thirty minutes, and having traveled barely a mile from my office, I decided to sit out the rush, so I pulled back into one of the parking structures and took a nap while listening to the radio.

An hour later, I decided to brave it, but the roads hadn't improved. I started home anyway and sat in the car for another hour before finally reaching home. I don't know what caused the huge backup. I never saw an accident or heard any reports on the radio, but it was a mess.

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