Friday, February 13, 2004

The Apprentice

I've been watching this reality show on NBC. Donald Trump auditions a group of ambitious young business professionals to head one of his companies. They must work together and compete against each other to be successful and gain his favor. Every week someone fails and he fires them. It's like "Survivor" goes to Wall Street. 'Let the bloodbath begin!'

Actually, I've found the firing process most interesting. It is informative to see how Trump logically works out the choice for who gets fired and why. He receives counsel from his advisors, but he makes the final decision. I enjoy that part, not because someone gets fired, but because I learn something every time. I learn about the corporate mentality, I learn about the dog-eat-dog world of business, and I learn about the hard decisions people have to make to achieve and maintain success. I really admire The Donald sometimes for his sharp mind and skills as a businessman. He's got a real talent for it.

Sick bastard.

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