For the first time in my voting life, the guy I voted for won! It's been so demoralizing to belong to the losing cause the last few years, but I am so proud to be a part of this extraordinarily hopeful and historic moment.
There's no getting around the fact that this has been an historic election, perhaps the most intense and unusual in American history. The list of "firsts" is endless: the first black contender for the presidency; potentially the oldest new President; the first female VP candidate; the longest and most expensive campaign; the most money earned by a single candidate; the most donations given through the Internet; the most unpopular incumbent president; a Congress with the lowest ratings ever; and perhaps the most new and energized registered voters participating in this patriotic process, especially millions of Latino voters, who favored Obama more than 60%, a huge shift against their traditionally conservative ties.
We may also include the unprecedented use of technology to communicate and analyze information both by the campaigns and the news media both online and on television. It's probably also the first time a candidate's grandmother passed away on the eve of the election. Such a sad twist to this climax seems almost par for this bizarre journey of a course. This has truly been the great American drama.
Who would want the job as President anyway? We've got the greatest economic turbulence perhaps ever, two wars on foreign shores, the largest deficit in history, the worst credit and housing market in memory. He's going to have a heavy load to lift and without any warm-up.
Obama is the man with all the cards in his favor. It was his to lose, but thanks to his excellent COMMUNITY ORGANIZING SKILLS, which were soundly ridiculed by the Republicans, he mounted an amazing ground war across the entire nation, with thousands of motivated citizens campaigning on his behalf. He'll need to keep that momentum in order to achieve his goals as President.
I can't believe that many black people in the South still weren't able to vote when Barack Obama was born in 1961. His rise to the Presidency is truly meteoric -- four years ago, he was still a State Senator in Illinois! Mr. Obama ran an outstanding campaign of epic proportions, but most importantly he was in tune with the American people and right on the issues.
The nation is still divided, but thankfully we have seen our political process work successfully and we have made history. It's a great moment for the American people as we move forward, beyond the Bush era and in hope of regaining our stature in the international community, by solving our problems here at home. The eyes of the world are upon us, so regardless of your political persuasion, let's all hope Obama, a true citizen of the world, continues his historic streak and becomes the greatest President ever!
Geraldine Ferraro was the first female VP candidate, back in 1980. Palin was the first Republican female VP candidate. Also probably the dumbest, I don't know if they keep records of that.
As happy as I am about the presidential election (and believe you me, I am ELATED), I am just astounded and saddened at Prop 8's passing. How can we elect an African American to the highest office in the land, and in the same breath take away existing rights from a whole 'nother group of people? We're all "Yes we can -- no you can't!"
This is a WAY center-left country! It's just that the right are richer,louder and more intent on making everyone conform to their retarded values.
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