Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Still Sick

A week ago I went to the doctor to check my eye for conjunctivitis. She gave me some antibiotic drops and told me my "pink eye" would clear up by the weekend. She was right. I even called her Monday to tell her things were looking better. I may have spoken too soon.

This morning, I woke up with crusty puss around my eyes again. I had to work at it to crack them open so I could see the floor when I got out of bed. After washing the crud out of my eyes, I noticed that my left eye was all bloodshot again. Shit. And I'm out of antibiotics, too.

Also, I have a killer sore throat that's been getting worse the past three days. I was hoping that ignoring it would make it go away. That rarely works. I am so burnt. A week in Hawaii would probably make me feel better.

1 comment:

S~ said...

Dude! that sucks!! Get well, will ya! ss